This verse is a summary of the law. And just like the summaries I found online, this summary makes it so simple and easy to understand. By simply loving others like we would ourselves, we are fulfilling the law.
We wouldn’t steal from ourselves. We wouldn’t murder ourselves. We are always looking out for our own best interests. However, this verse shows us that we should be treating other people like we treat ourselves. Loving people like this is hard work, but it’s worth it!
Bro. Brian
The Main Event is having a BBQ lunch April 9th after morning service. Plates will be $8.00 each. We will also have carry out plate’s available too. All funds raised are for SOAR 2017!
Our Students are selling Belk charity sale cards for $5 each to help raise money for SOAR. The Charity sale is April 29th. If you are interested please see me or one of our students for details!
The Main Event is having a yard sale May 6th in the gym. If you have items to donate please see me or another youth committee member. Thanks!