Spiritually, it’s easy to do the same thing. You’ve been given spiritual gifts. God has gifted you for a unique purpose and calling. However, it’s easy to often forget about the gifts or become used to them so they don’t seem special anymore.
In today’s verse, we are challenged to not neglect our gifts. Don’t forget about the things that God has spoken to you about your future. Choose to remind yourself of what God has said to you. Also, don’t take your gifting for granted. Your gift is important to God’s plan and purpose on the earth. Even if you’re not like others, don’t get discouraged. God has gifted and called you for a special purpose.
Stir up that gift. Don’t let it get old and boring. Remind yourself of how special you are to God and how important your gift is to His plan. Ask God to show you how you can use your gift to help others today.
Bro. Brian
Reminder…there will be no Main Event this week due to VBS. Next week we will wrap up our summer Bible study. We will start at 7:00PM
When: August 7th
Where: Mantachie First Baptist church
Time: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
We will have a huge water slide, plus other things! Food will be provided. Please make plans to attend this. We also need some adult volunteers to do some grilling for us. Please see me or Jodie for more info.