If Jesus is the only way to God the Father, then anyone who is trying to come to God without going through Him are missing it. It may seem harsh but it is the truth. No one can reach God without Jesus. In reality, we all are in a hopeless situation without Jesus. We are unclean and sin without even knowing it. We desperately need Jesus. God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to be the answer for all mankind.
So how do we get to God then if Jesus is the only way? We must humble ourselves and stop relying on other ways to get to God. We cannot get to God through trying to be good enough, trying to do religious acts or even trying not to sin. We have to stop all of that and simply believe completely on Jesus. Even if you’re already born again, the same way you receive Jesus is the same way you continue on this journey with God… completely through Jesus.
Bro. Brian
This past Wednesday night, the students from Shiloh Methodist came to Main Event and worshipped with us. We had a really great time and it was great to see our student’s fellowshipping with their friends from another church. Our message was “Christ in Us”. We reminded our students that we are dead in our sins without Jesus, unable to tell right from wrong, unable to love as God intends. We also had a fun activity, “panty hose bowling”! I’m sure you heard us upstairs while we played this game and I apologize if we got loud…we were having too much fun.
I want to encourage our church family to continue to pray for our youth as we gear up for SOAR this summer. We have a big group that is signed up to go. We need your prayers and support as we push forward with our plans this summer!!!