(money raised will be for SOAR)
June 27 - July 1 - SOAR Youth Conference in Dallas, Texas
If you need more information, contact Brian Prochaska @ (662) 401-5531
Welcome to Mantachie First Baptist |
June 18 - Car Wash at Sonshine Pharmacy from 8am - Noon
(money raised will be for SOAR) June 27 - July 1 - SOAR Youth Conference in Dallas, Texas If you need more information, contact Brian Prochaska @ (662) 401-5531
Have you ever faced something that seemed really scary? Has there been a time when you ever felt like everyone in your life was against you? In those times, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to turn.
In today’s Bible verse, we see that Jehoshaphat faced a vast army. Facing something like that would feel really scary. Let’s read about what happened. Messengers came and told Jehoshaphat, “A vast army from Edom is marching against you from beyond the Dead Sea. They are already at Hazazon-tamar.” (This was another name for En-gedi.) – 2 Chronicles 20:2 I can only imagine how scary that must have felt. A huge army was coming against them. They probably felt outnumbered and overwhelmed. And maybe you feel the same way. Perhaps you feel like you’re overwhelmed by the things you’re facing right now. The good news is that God doesn’t leave us helpless or alone in those times. Today, don’t give into feelings of fear. Just like Jehoshaphat, God will help deliver you and give you the wisdom you need to face the scary and big things in your life. Pray: “God, I thank you that you’re helping me. I thank you for your help in what I’m facing today. I ask you for wisdom today, in Jesus name, Amen.” How often do we talk about what is going wrong in our lives? We talk about how things didn’t turn out like we thought, how we have too much stress in our lives, or how we are just disappointed about something. We often let the hurts, disappointments, and stress in our lives become the majority of what we say.
What do you think would happen if we decided instead of talking about all that’s going wrong rather to talk about how good God is? What if we spent some time every day thanking God for all the blessings in our lives and for all the awesome things He has done for us? A change like that would affect our whole outlook and attitude on life. Instead of walking around with our heads down, and being sad, we would have something to be happy about. We would instantly feel some of the stress of life just leave all because we took some time to speak life-giving words and remind ourselves of all the things we have to thank God for. Bro. Brian NO YOUTH GROUP Reminder to all Main Event students. I have decided to cancel our Wednesday night services for the month of July. We’ve seen a spike in COVID-19 cases the past few weeks in and around our community. Again, I hope you and our church family understands. We are in uncertian times and safety is a priorty at this point. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime. God bless, Bro. Brian -------------------------------------------------------------- Back to School Bash ATTENTION!!!!! August 12th @ 6:00pm we will have our “Back to School Bash”. I will have a couple of water slides. We will have food and drinks. Be sure to wear old clothes for the water slides. I’m looking forward to it. If you have any questions contact me or Jodie. See you then. Today’s Bible verse shows us that God didn’t just make you a part of his family. He has also planned GOOD things for us to do. God doesn’t have bad things in store for your future, only good. You have been created with special gifts and abilities to help others. Today’s Truth: God has good things in store for you. In light of that truth, don’t let fear stop you from stepping out and doing the things God has called you to do. Ask God to show you those things. If you stay open, God wants to use you to bless and encourage others. So today, don’t let anything stop you from doing what God is calling you to do. Be bold and do what He shows you to do. Bro. Brian You are GOD'S masterpiece Ephesians 210 HAPPY 4TH OF JULY I hope each one of you had a good Fourth of July this past week! -------------------------------------------------------------- WATER SLIDE This Wednesday night July 8th we will meet behind the gym. I will be setting up a water slide. Be sure to wear some old clothes. I will provide drinks. We will start at 6:00PM. -------------------------------------------------------------- REVEALED BY Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick A good book for my guy students. I just read it. Get your copy today. Duct tape is probably one of the most useful inventions. It serves a variety of purposes, from patching up a pair of ripped pants to keeping some boxes sealed. What makes duct tape even more fun are all the colors it comes in. I was in a store the other day and saw Hello Kitty Duct Tape, cheetah print duct tape, neon colored duct tape, and of course the standard grey duct tape.
All this duct tape got me thinking, about how faith and duct tape have a lot in common. Faith holds our lives together like duct tape can hold together a pair of torn pants. Faith is the basis of our relationship with God. It is believing what the Bible says no matter what it looks like around you. Faith keeps you together when you feel you’re falling apart. Our faith keeps us going and assures us we will make it regardless of what is going on around us. Hebrews 11:6 says…”And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Next week will be part 2 of “What Faith and Duct Tape have in Common.” Bro. Brian Youth Bowling Night! We had 18 students go bowling last week. It was great seeing each one of you. I had a blast! Movie Night This Wednesday night is movie night. We wil meet in the Main Event room at 6:00pm. Jodie will have a ice cream truck parked in the parking lot at the church from 6 to 7PM. Bring some extra money if you would like some ice cream. I will also have drinks available at no charge. See you then. -------------------------------------------------------------- Duct Tape & Faith Have you noticed how easy it is to love your friends? It’s a lot easier to love people that you really respect. How about your parents? That’s harder. Sometimes even harder yet, is loving others as much as yourself.
It’s easy to love ourselves. We always understand that we mean well. It seems that we can always give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, but do we give others the same treatment? Do we give others the benefit of the doubt? Can we let other people have a bad day? Or do we judge them based on what we see externally? If we’re really going to love others, it’s going to take some work. It’s going to take us looking internally and making adjustments to see the good in others around us. Yet, that’s what God does for us. He sees our potential. God loves us unconditionally. And that love should empower us to love those around us. Not because they treat us right or do the things we feel are right, but because of how much God loves us. Bro. Brian MFUGE Parents, just a reminder…I am refunding the $60 deposit that was paid back in Feburary for our mission trip. Please see me if you haven’t gotten your refund yet. Thanks! Brian ------------------------------------------------------------- Youth Bowling Night! Attention TME! This Wednesday night, June 17th we will be going bowling. The cost is $5 dollars per student. Please be at the church by 5:30PM. The bus will depart around 5:35PM. We should be back at the church by 8:00PM or shortly afterwards. See you then!!! -------------------------------------------------------------- How great is it to know that God has forgiven all our sins? And not just a couple sins, but all of them are forgiven. You've been complete forgiven. There is not a single sin that is too big or too small that God hasn't forgiven. And now because you're free from sin, you have access to God the father. That's a freeing thought!
God didn't just forgive sins, He went the extra mile. The end of the verse also says that He heals all your diseases. It's great to know that God not only forgives you but He heals you too! Don't become too busy today to take some time out to thank God for all He's done in your life. Be thankful that your sins have been forgiven. You have been given access to God! Bro. Brian MFUGE Parents, just a reminder...I am refunding the $60 deposit that was paid back in February for our mission trip. Please see me if you haven't gotten your refund yet. Thanks! Brian NO YOUTH GROUP There will be no Main Event this Wednesday night June 10th. See you next week!! Youth Bowling Night! Attention TME! Wednesday night, June 17th we will be going bowling. The cost is $5 dollars per student. Please be at the church by 5:30PM. The bus will depart around 5:35PM. We should be back at the church by 8:00PM or shortly afterwards. See you then!!!
This week, I want to challenge you to focus on your attitude and character. We’ve probably all heard lots of motivational quotes about attitude. Your coaches probably have told you time and time again that attitude makes a difference. Maybe you’ve even had teachers encouraging you to have a good attitude. The thing about attitude is that it’s so easy to have a good one when everything is going well. If you’ve just done well on a test at school, it’s easy to feel good and have a good attitude. However, how is your attitude when things aren’t going well? When you didn’t get asked to a friend’s birthday party when everyone else did. How is your attitude then? The storms of life reveal your true attitude. So today and this week, take a good look at yourself. How do you respond when things aren’t going well in your life? Do you need to make any adjustments to your attitude? If so, ask God to help you. He will give you wisdom and help you get the right perspective on what you’re going through. With God’s help, you’ll find that you can have a good attitude even in the middle of a storm. Bro. Brian MFUGE Parents, I just wanted to give you a heads up if your child was signed up for MFUGE. I am refunding the $60 deposit that was paid back in Feburary. I will be reaching our soon with the refund. Thanks! Brian -------------------------------------------------------------- PIZZA PARTY Attention TME! This Wednesday night we will be meeting! Please meet in the gym at 6:30PM. We will have pizza and games. Its been several weeks since I have seen y’all. I’m looking forward to it. -------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever felt like all your friends have left you? Maybe you feel like no one really gets you or cares about you. It’s true, friendships can be tricky, but here are a few secrets to help you make better friendships and to not be disappointed with the ones you have.
Ask yourself: “Am I doing anything to push people away?” Maybe you’re doing things that annoy or drive people away. Be honest and ask yourself if you are doing something that’s pushing others away. Realize: Not everyone is going to treat you right. Even if you do everything right, some people aren’t going to be kind to you. Some people don’t know God and have no basis for treating others with kindness and respect. Life is full of people who aren’t going to treat you right, so realize that and be ready for it when it happens. Be Friendly: One of the best ways to get friends is to be friendly. Do you ever take the time to listen to others? Do you go out of your way to try to talk to others? Doing these things can help you gain friends! “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” – Proverbs 18:24 Get God’s Perspective. If you are feeling bad about yourself due to a lack of friendships, don’t! Don’t allow other people to determine your self-worth. Whether you have tons of friends or not, you are worth a ton to God! Psalm 139:14: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.” Even if you feel like all your friends have bailed on you, realize that God will never leave you. He’s there to help you and love you. No matter what people do to you, God is on your side. He cares about you like no one else can. So don’t allow yourself to feel like you’re not important if others don’t always treat you right. People aren’t always going to do the right thing, so you’ve got to choose to let God’s opinion of you be the one that matters. ------------------------------------------------- Who's your 1ONE? We track and measure everything and sometimes, we think the only numbers that really matter are the big ones. I’m challenging us all, our church, our students, to focus on this number: the number ONE. Who’s your ONE? Thank your First Baptist Church for allowing me to speak this past Sunday. Please pray for your ONE. Let’s make this a commitment this year and see what God does! ------------------------------------------------- Praise team practice this Wednesday at 5:45! I remember a time when it felt like I couldn’t go on. I felt like my whole world had crashed in on me. I felt I was the only one struggling and nobody understood. My friends were there to help me through my struggle but honestly I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. In the midst of my struggle, I found one thing that brought me peace, which was Jesus.
Jesus understood me when no one else did. Jesus listened when it felt like no one else would. In the midst of the trials and sorrows of life, Jesus was my peace. The great thing about Jesus is that He wants to do that for you too. Jesus wants to be your peace for what you’re going through. Even when it seems like everything that could go wrong has, you can still be at peace. Trusting Jesus and placing your hope in Him is what can bring you the peace you long for. Looking for love, acceptance or joy in any other place will always fall short. So today, challenge yourself to find your peace in Jesus. Let Jesus bring you the peace you need. Spend time with Him, reading the Bible and finding out who He is. As you read the word and talk to God about your situation you’ll be surprised at the peace that comes into your life. God bless, Bro. Brian AM I HAPPY? This week will start Lesson 2 in our 4-week series entitled “Am I Happy”. See you at 6:45. ------------------------------------------------- FUGE I’m asking our church family to start praying for our student ministry. We are all set and ready to attend MFUGE this year in Ridgecrest North Carolina. All the students have turned in their deposits and had their forms signed by the parents. Let’s pray for a heart changing event. If you would like to donate to our mission trip this year, please mark your offertory envelope with “Main Event mission trip” so I know where to put the money. We’ve got some fundraising work to do prior to leaving in July so start praying now. I know God will provide! ------------------------------------------------ I had a lot of fun at this year’s Valentines banquet. We had a total attendance of 40. We’re already looking forward to next year! If any of you would like additional copies of your pictures, please let me know. Valentine's Banquet |
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