It’s easy to love ourselves. We always understand that we mean well. It seems that we can always give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, but do we give others the same treatment?
Do we give others the benefit of the doubt? Can we let other people have a bad day? Or do we judge them based on what we see externally?
If we’re really going to love others, it’s going to take some work. It’s going to take us looking internally and making adjustments to see the good in others around us. Yet, that’s what God does for us. He sees our potential.
God loves us unconditionally. And that love should empower us to love those around us. Not because they treat us right or do the things we feel are right, but because of how much God loves us.
Bro. Brian
Parents, just a reminder…I am refunding the $60 deposit that was paid back in Feburary for our mission trip. Please see me if you haven’t gotten your refund yet.
Youth Bowling Night!
Attention TME! This Wednesday night, June 17th we will be going bowling. The cost is $5 dollars per student. Please be at the church by 5:30PM. The bus will depart around 5:35PM. We should be back at the church by 8:00PM or shortly afterwards. See you then!!!