1. Bible study…….. If you want to show God you truly care about your walk with Him, you need to establish an effective Bible study program for yourself.
2. Prayer…. God don’t hear your problems and concerns if you don’t tell Him about them. Prayer needs to be done daily and several times a day depending on your struggles.
3. No Negativity…..Focus on positive traits of what ministry is. Don’t let people around you pull your down or you pull down other people. Avoid talking about negative things. Give God the negative stuff in prayer and let it go.
4. Know and understand what living for God truly is... Living for God means you put Him FIRST. God wants your time and attention, so give it to Him.
5. Be an encourager. Help others who are struggling. Chances are, you can help if you really want to. Just reach out. This is a very effective way to strengthen your walk with God and improve your life and lives of those you touch by assisting in their struggles.
6. Trust your spiritual leaders. Always know that your pastor and youth pastor are teaching you spiritual guidance to help your spiritual journey so trust in what they are saying.
7. Never be afraid to ask questions. No one is going to understand everything the first time around, so when you get lost or confused in the Bible study or discussion, never hesitate to ask questions so you can better understand what is going on.
Our Student Ministries is off and running with fundraisers looking ahead to next year’s mission trip. We are excited and eager in our efforts to raise money and have another successful youth trip. We are currently selling Smart Cards for $15 each. Each card contains many coupons that can be used until August 1st of next year. There are 3 Mantachie businesses on the card this year that are: Delmar’s Grill, Mantachie Pizza and Subs, and Gifts Galore & Flowers by Dan. These cards are great to have and will pay for itself in a very short time. Please see one of our students or student workers if you are interested in buying one.
Bro. Trent and Ms. Rebecca