Accepting Jesus as our savior is life changing. That’s a secret we should share with everyone. If you need help, you can rely on Jesus on the inside of you. If you need encouragement to make it through the day, you can lean on Christ living on the inside of you. The fact that you’ve got Christ living in you changes everything.
It gives you confidence that you can do the things that God has called you to do. It can give you peace that you’re going to be okay. Christ living on the inside of you means that you’re equipped and able to handle anything that might come your way. Be encouraged today. There’s nothing that you can face that you’re not equipped to handle because you’ve got Jesus living on the inside of you.
Bro. Brian
A huge “Thank You” to everyone for a successful yard sale this past Saturday. With your donations and help we raised $2,555.85! All the funds raised will go toward our summer trip to Dallas this year.
2017 Graduate!
Our Graduation service will be May 21st. We will have the church unlocked Friday May 19th to allow those students and parents to set up their tables. We are asking the tables to be set up in the foyer/crosswalk of the church. After the morning service we would like to honor our graduates with a church wide lunch. The youth committee is also asking the church to please bring a covered dish that Sunday. Let’s honor these grads on a job well done!
Our 2017 Graduates…Blake Wigginton, Dawson Young, Jacob Clouse, Jaren Johnson, Courtney Lamb and Chase Haley