Have you ever thought about why donkeys get such a bad rap? Why do people generally think of them as just a silly old animal with big ears? When it comes down to it, a donkey means more in the Scriptures than what most people would imagine. If you remember, a donkey is what delivered the pregnant Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem on a cold and dark night when Jesus was born. What about when Jesus returned to Jerusalem riding on a donkey and the people greeted Him by laying down palm branches as He rode into town. One also cannot forget how God made a donkey actually speak to Balaam about why he was beating on him. These stories make the donkey look extraordinary when we see how the Bible portrays them. The donkey was actually a sign of wealth back in those days and the donkey is considered to be a very courageous and intelligent animal. This week we will take a closer look at this interesting animal and see it has more to offer than a goofy smile and a funny laugh.
Bro. Trent & Ms. Rebecca