Many questions linger around the church. What it is, who established it, and why is it so important. This week I want to begin sharing with you just how important “The Church” really is. I will share some history about the establishment of the church, why we should be members of a church, and why it is up to us to be faithful to a church and help it to prosper. Be thinking about questions you may have concerning the church and hopefully this lesson will spark something inside each of us that will improve the way we attend the church we are apart of.
1Ephesians 22-23 “And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church. Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.”
Bar-B-Q Fundraiser
We had a very successful Youth Bar-B-Q luncheon this past Sunday raising $1,240 for our students to go to SOAR this summer. I personally want to thank each of you for your contributions and efforts to help our youth to prepare for this summer. And a BIG THANK YOU to all of our youth committee members, youth workers, and students who helped out during the luncheon. God Bless each of you!
Praise Band
Praise Band will meet at 5:45 this week. Please be on time and ready to practice!