Louie Giglio Video
Psalms 19 says “The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” Do you ever wonder about the magnitude of God’s creation? I know we live here on earth and we see the sun and the moon and the stars every day, but do you ever look into the sheer wonder of the universe God spoke into being? This Sunday night May 26th for our PM Service, we are showing a message by Pastor Louie Giglio entitled “Indescribable”. This is part 1 of a 2-part series I will show over the next couple of weeks. Pastor Louie uses our universe to describe God’s greatness and leaves you in awe of how indescribable God truly is. Our students and workers have seen these videos countless times, but it seems to never get old to them and I encourage you all to come and watch these 2 videos because they will leave with no doubt about how great our God truly is!