Please go fast.
I'm ready for Christmas break.
Every Student
Well students, your wish is now granted. November has come and gone….and very quickly might I add. I hope and trust that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and now that it is December, you are getting ready for one thing…..your Final Exams before the end of the semester. HA! Just Kidding. I meant you are getting ready for Christmas, and not to just get out of school for a while, but to celebrate the season and Jesus Christ. I know with Black Friday now gone and the stores trying to restore law and order and to restock and repair, our minds tend to get soaked up with gifts and wanting, instead of Jesus and giving. Start your December off on the right track and remember what this season is all about and celebrate it the right way by making Jesus a part of all you do.
Bro. Trent & Ms. Rebecca