This week Bro. Brian will show a Tony Nolan video titled, "So Others May See." In this video Tony describes three core principles that will help hurting people receive the healing power of God! Come this week ready to receive a blessing from this video.
Backyard Service - We will have our backyard service on May 21 at my house. There will be games, food, fellowship, giveaways, music and God's Word. We will be saying so long to this school year and gettting ready for summer activities. We are inviting all 6th graders to attend that are moving up to The Main Event next semester. Directions to my house will be posted on the basement door May 21st.
Team Points - We had a lead change in the points race last Wednesday with the Red Team bumping Gold into 2nd place. Stay tuned for the next couple of weeks to see this come down to the wire.
Reminder - T-shirt money is due now. If you signed up for a Main Event T-shirt, please bring me $12.00 so we can order these. Also 6th graders who will be moving up to The Main Event next school year can go ahead and order a t-shirt. Please see me, Ms. Rebecca or any one of the other youth workers to sign up.
Praise Team - No Praise Band practice this week. Enjoy the week off!