Who you walk with, associate with, and take advice from makes a big difference in your life. If you struggle with temptation to sin in a particular area, you probably want to avoid spending time with friends that struggle in the same area.
If you choose to make smart friendships, you’ll find that you’ll be challenged and avoid a lot of trouble in your life. It might be hard to say no to a bad friendship or relationship, but realize that you’re worth it. Your future is important enough to say no to a bad relationship. Choose today to walk with wise people. Get advice and have close relationships with those who challenge you to be better and get closer to God.
See you Wednesday night!
Bro. Brian
I am happy to announce we had another successful BBQ lunch this past Sunday! We raised a little over $900 to help get us to SOAR. Thank you to all who supported us and to all the workers to make this a success.
We still have Belk charity sale cards for $5 each to help raise money for SOAR. The Charity sale is April 29th. If you are interested please see me or one of our students for details!
We are taking items for the yard sale on May 6th, as a reminder we are not taking clothes. Bro Richey has told me that he would be available if you have things to drop off at the church during the day. You can also contact me and I will make arrangements to meet you to drop off your items. Thanks!!!