Have you ever wondered why some things just don’t seem like they should go together, but after you give it a try it’s not as bad as it seemed to be. Take for instance peanut butter and spam, most would probably say it sounds disgusting and wouldn’t even consider trying it. Not a match made in heaven you could say, but have you actually tried it? My point exactly, most have not. Sometimes the same result occurs when people see themselves taking part in Christian activities and Bible study. They physically cannot see themselves being involved in something that may not look or sound good to them and most times aren’t willing to try it. They become too afraid of what else they are giving up or don’t want to be put in the “Christian” category. Trying to live right in their life or change a lifestyle they have grown accustomed to, may not seem too appealing to them on the outside. They think it looks like peanut butter and spam and they instantly turn up their nose and want nothing to do with it. In fact it’s true that some people see Christianity as being like a bad food or disease they want to avoid. Living a life that becomes pleasing to God is a life changing experience and once you sample it for the first time, you become hooked on the feelings of love, caring, and sharing that God puts into your heart. So just like some of the strange foods you may encounter over your life, you will never know if you like it or not if you don’t try it. Jesus is challenging all of us to become more like Him and live the life of a Christian and until we try it, we will never know how well we enjoy what He has in store for our lives. So the next time you feel like you and Christianity don’t belong together, just give it a try and you will find out how much you love it.
“Try it, and you may just like it!”
Bro. Trent & Ms. Rebecca