Let God help you to show good deeds to those around you. As He does, people will take notice. You’re not doing it to be noticed, but as you do good deeds for Jesus it does make an impact on others around you.
This Bible verse says that they will then praise your heavenly Father. When they see your good works and ask you about the difference in your life, tell them it’s because of Jesus in your life. This will help them to know who to glorify when they see the good things in your life.
See you Wednesday night!
Bro. Brian
Don’t forget, this Sunday after morning service the Main Event is having a BBQ lunch. Plates will be $8.00 each. We will also have carry out plate’s available too. All funds raised are for SOAR 2017! Also, at 6:00PM, the choir will be having an Easter program entitled “Amazing Love”. We’ve got a busy day planned for Sunday please make plans to be a part of it!
BELK Charity SALE:
Our Students are selling Belk charity sale cards for $5 each to help raise money for SOAR. The Charity sale is April 29th. If you are interested please see me or one of our students for details!
The Main Event is having a yard sale May 6th in the gym. If you have items to donate please see me or another youth committee member. Thanks!