How can teenagers become more interested in getting God’s Word rather than free pizza, prizes, drinks, or gadgets? Why is it that our students are losing their motivation to get the fundamentals of what they actually need? All of these are good questions, but they are questions that I don’t have an answer for. Please pray that our students will become less lazy and more excited about what Jesus Christ has to offer. We can all lend a hand by praying; will you pray for our students today?
-Smart Cards are still available for $15 each. Please see one of our youth workers, teenagers, or myself to purchase one. Each card has lots of discounts that can be used in Lee County stores for up to 1 year!!!!!
-Youth Yard Sale is scheduled for October 8th. Here’s your chance to finish cleaning up around the house and bring your donations for our youth to sell and raise money for our mission trip.
Bro. Trent and Ms. Rebecca