That’s a lot like what today’s Bible verse is telling us. It’s saying that faith is awesome, and knowing about it is great. However, if we don’t do something with our faith, it doesn’t do us any good. Faith isn’t something that you keep hidden and never use. Instead faith should be a tool that we use each day in our lives.
So challenge yourself today to put your faith to work. Faith should produce action, so choose to step out, believe God and do something great for Him today!
Bro. Brian
We're Havin' a BAR-B-Q!
The Main Event is hosting a BBQ lunch this Sunday after morning service. All proceeds will help us get to SOAR in Dallas this year. Plates will be $7 dollars each with all the trimmings. To-go plates will be available. Thanks again for supporting our ministry!
We are needing volunteers for this year’s Easter Egg hunt. The hunt will be held on April 20th from 10:00AM till noon. We will have a volunteer signup sheet posted in the foyer this Sunday. Please see Jodie or myself if you have any questions. Thanks!
Praise Team practice this Wednesday at 5:45! Please be on time.
This past Wednesday night Cody Crum, Pastor at Lakeland Baptist church shared a great message with our group. It was a blessing to hear him speak God’s word to us. This Wednesday night, our very own Mark Jones will be sharing a message in Main Event. Don’t miss it!