This Wednesday night we will meet in the Family Life Center to hear Bro. Elvis Garcia who is from New Albany, MS. He is our Spanish Missionary and is bringing some members of his church to be a part of our service this week. Teenagers we are asking you to please bring a 2 liter drink or chips and dip to help our with our sandwich and soup fellowship prior to the service.
“Mark your calendars” school starts in 2 days!
Make a new commitment at school this year; devote more time and effort TO sharing Christ with those who don’t know Him. You can make a difference in your school.
Aug. 14th…Youth Revival at Calvary Baptist Church (sign up in the amphitheatre)
Aug. 16th…Back to School Bowling in Tupelo ~
You will need money for food and bowling.
(sign up in the amphitheatre)
Aug. 20th…End of summer Welcome Back to The Main Event with team spirit night, group photo, giveaways (4 g MP3 player, cds, devo books,…) and much, much more
Praise Band
Praise band will practice from 5:30 -6:30 this Wednesday to work on a few news songs we are preparing for the Fall Semester. Please show up ready to learn and “Be On Time”.