Are you grateful? This week we are going to watch Tony Nolan’s video entitled “Gratitude”. Please be here Wednesday night for this exciting lesson on gratitude.
With summer winding down, it is important to remember we owe it to God to be faithful to Him on Wednesday nights. Please encourage each other to attend church regularly and faithfully.
If you are interested in the new leadership group, sign your name on the sheet located on the Main Events board in the amphitheatre. Our first meeting will be held on Sunday August 3rd. I encourage those who sign up to be prepared to get serious about serving God.
Aug. 14th…Youth Revival at Calvary Baptist Church (sign up in the amphitheatre)
Aug. 16th…Back to School Bowling in Tupelo ~ You will need money for food and bowling.(sign up in the amphitheatre)
Aug. 20th…End of summer Welcome Back to The Main Event with team spirit night, group photo, giveaways (4 g MP3 player, cds, devo books,…) and much, much more
Praise Band
Praise band will meet at 6:00 this week for practice.