If you’ve ever played guitar, you know that the more you practice the more your hands get calloused. These callouses form on your fingertips and you begin to lose sensitivity in those areas. Callouses are a natural part of playing guitar, the more you play, the more calloused your hands get.
It’s often easy to develop callouses when it comes to the things of God. For example, it’s really easy to get used to hearing the gospel. You may have heard hundreds of times about God’s love toward you. You might have heard all the stories in the Bible tons and tons of times. If you hear it enough, sometimes you take it for granted or even become a bit calloused to the things of God.
This is an example of living a Godly life, but not really experiencing the power of that life. If you become calloused to the gospel, it means you’re no longer excited about the things of God. As you lose excitement, you begin to stop living in the light of God’s word. Doing this causes the gospel to lose it’s power in your life. So today, choose to not become calloused to the things of God. If you’ve lost some of your excitement for God, determine to spend more time in God’s presence. Choose to make time with Him a priority. Make knowing Jesus the most important thing in your life.
Bro. Brian
PT practice this Wednesday at 5:45! Please be on time.
The Main Event is having a Valentines Banquet for the Young at Heart on Saturday February 16th at 5:00PM in the fellowship hall. We are inviting all members, ages 62 and up to join us for this fun night! I will have a signup sheet in the foyer for those that are interested in attending. By signing up we will have an idea on how much food to buy. We hope that you will be able to join us. I’m looking forward to it!
This Wednesday night in Main Event we will be starting our fourth lesson in our “Spiritual Fitness” Journey. I will be talking about “Temperance (Self Control)”. See you Wednesday night!
“Don’t let one bad choice lead to many bad choices. The best thing to do is to make the right decision from the start.”